3 lipca 2018 Swords_Sulkowski Types XV/XVa-XVI/XVIa Type XVI Oakeshott book page 149 Type XVa/XVIIIa from NEW YORK Type XVIa in black The Cluny sword Necromancer sword Type XVa Type XVIa with blue belts Type XV Castillon Type XVI Oakeshott book p148 Type XVa from 15th century Type XVa from 14th century Type XV Castillon Type XVIa with oak pattern on the scabbard Type XIV/XVI big with brown scabbard Type XVIa big version Type XIV/XVI big with long grip Type XVI in black Type XIV/XVI „Touch of the Death” Type XIV/XVI big version Cluny gold version Type XV arming sword with AGATE inside pommel Type XIVa Brescia pommel Type XVIa with white belts Type XV Type XVIa Type XVIa Type XVa from Paris Type XVa with agate Type XVIa with scabbard Type XV wide with sodalite inside the pommel Type XV with agate inside pommel Type XVa Philadelphia Type XVa with 9,5mm thick blade Type XV with crossguard chape Type XV with plain scabbard Type XVa v3 Type XVIa with disk pommel The Cluny sword v2 Type XVa with The Witcher belt Type XVIa The Cluny sword Type XV with scabbard Type XV/XVa Type XVa v3 Type XVa Type XVa v2 Type XV Return to categories