3 lipca 2018 Swords_Sulkowski Types XIV Type XIV with acanthus scabbard Necromancer sword Type XIV Type XIV TOTO Type XIV/XVI big with brown scabbard Type XIV big with custom scabbard Type XIV in blue Type XIV in red Type XIV/XVI big with long grip Type XIV Type XIV/XVI „Touch of the Death” Type XIV/XVI big version Type XIV with brown Fleur de lis Type XIV big in blue Type XIV oxblood Type XIV TOTO Type XIV BIG in green Type XII-XIV with spherical pommel Type XII/XIV Custom Type XIV in dark red Type XIV with Fleur de lis grip Type XIV – big version with scabbard Type XIV with scabbard Type XIV TOTO Type XIV with coin inside pommel Type XIV gold plated (from Paris) Type XIV with coat of arms Type XIV with blue scabbard Type XIV with oxblood grip Type XIV Return to categories