3 lipca 2018 Swords_Sulkowski Types X-XIII Type XIIa from the Rhine at Bonn Type XII custom with blue scabbard Type XI with hat pommel Type XIIa with scabbard Type XIIIa with S type pommel Type XIIa with blue scabbard Type XIIIa with silver plated fittings Type XIIa with custom scabbard Type XIIIb replica with Arabic inscription Type XIIa fleur de lis Type XII with scabbard Type XIIIa Custom Type XII with coats of arms Type XII with scabbard Type XII templar in hoc signo vinces Type XII-XIV with spherical pommel Type XII/XIV Custom Type XII custom Type XIIa with copper inlay cross Type XII Type XII TEMPLAR v2 Templar sword type XII Type XI with hat pommel St. Maurice sword Type Xa/XI with copper inlay inscription Return to categories